
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Batlag Falls Tanay Rizal

To reach it: There is a sign that says “Batlag Falls” near the Daranak Falls pool. Take the cemented foothpath which will ascend into a makeshift gate, where another P20 will have to be paid. A forest will ensue, and two waterfalls, each with a catchbasin. The smaller one, on the left, has a veil-like cascade whereas the larger one, as mentioned, has an unusual configuration. You may swim in both pools although you have to be careful as the floor of the pool is likewise unusually shaped, with sharp rocks abruptly jutting out.

You can go even further up to the origin of Batlag Falls. Here the stream is clearer. Locals tell of waterfalls deeper in the mountains of Tanay and outlying towns.

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