
Friday, May 31, 2013

Sagada Lemon Pie House in Mountain Province

Jane and I, decided to try out some restaurant in the area. We checked our map and list of tourist attraction in Sagada which I printed before the day of our trip from Banaue -Bontoc - Sagada. So, I listed down this restaurant and cafe as part of our itinerary. Where to eat in Sagada? Well I was confident enough to recommend you this restaurant & cafe which is known to be the best lemon pie in Sagada. I was previously reading about the good comments and reviews of Sagada Lemon Pie House. We ordered three slices of lemon pie and two brewed coffee. It is a wonderful place to dine, relax, eat and enjoy your wooden furniture over a cup of coffee with you. As per our guide, the abundance of lemons in Sagada pushed through to create a perfect dessert during a trip in Sagada. Over the years of experimenting the perfect taste of lemon pie until the perfect blend of tangy and sweet are made. I admit that Sagada is a top tourist destination in the north and is flocked both local and foreign tourist. 

The Famous Echo Valley in Sagada Mountain Province

We took about 20-30 minutes walking time at the center of town proper. You will find yourself here a very nice scenery on a ledge fronting many trees, wild flowers, mountains and limestone formation. Why is that they named Echo Valley? Because echoes can be heard in the valley if you shout loud enough to hear in other part of the mountain. As first time traveler in Sagada, you must know and make a research about the top tourist attraction of the place you want to visit. There are a lot of bloggers, travelers and foreign tourist wanted to go to Sagada in Mountain Province because of a relaxing ambiance over the big trees and mountains but the hospitality and caring of people in Sagada. Did you know that Sagada has a zero crime rates. A Sagada experience getaway will not be complete without going to the Echo Valley and seeing the famous Hanging Coffins which is even only in the Philippines. Next part of our itinerary was a trip to Kapay-aw Rice Terraces ,Sumaguing Cave and Touring Around the Town.

Heading to Echo Valley of Sagada in Mountain Province

Helloooo Echo Valley of Sagada. It's my first time here and I am so glad to step my foot in the middle of the mountains and huge pine trees. This area is the most popular tourist destination in Sagada and it become one of my favorite spot. Upon arrival to Echo Valley or " Ecological Valley of Sagada", I tried to shoot loud and to see if the area will create an echo of my voice. So, oo nga pwede narin kahit hindi masayadong nag-babounch back ang echo. Moving forward to our trip, you will find here the Hanging Coffins of Sagada which you shouldn't miss because it will take only a few steps down hill. We meet this students from Dubai, United Arab Emirates which I guess this was part of their ecological tour in the country. I saw many limestone rock formation, wild blooming flowers and birds. It was a cold afternoon and you must try out their new attraction, the rock-climbing because it looks a lot of fun and adrenaline rush. A lot of scenery around are here, the sound of birds and other endangered wild animals like butterflies, eagle and parrot. Please be take care in walking around the stiff parts of the mountain and rock formation limestone. The trail going down can get slippery when its rain, good thing because we are luckily during the  weather is in good condition. Always be careful with this trail down to Hanging Coffins. Tip: Better to have a guide to take you in case of emergency. Cost you about Php 200-400 pesos per group.

Arriving at Old Cemetery of Sagada in Mountain Province

From the St. Mary's The Virgin Church, you will passed through this public cemetery going to Echo Valley & Hanging Coffins. Did you known that they have a gathering called Sagada's Festival of Light every first day of November? The people of Sagada proceed to this area during that time, then use woods of pine trees and burying them at side of the tomb. All of the tomb (nitso) are colored in white, with different sizes and formation.  This is an unusual tradition in Sagada cannot be seen to other parts of the country. Only in Sagada, Mountain Province! Some of the coffins are well over a century old years. Sagada has more adventure awaiting us, so we proceed to the Echo Valley or "ecological valley" because my friends is so much creepy with this old cemetery on a hill in the middle of the forest. 

Walking into St. Mary's The Virgin in Sagada, Mountain Province

This is the only and oldest church in Sagada, Mountain Province and known to be the mother church in Sagada and Angelican Mission of the north, this protestant old church in Sagada is about 5-10 minutes away from the town proper and can be easily seen on the way to Echo Valley & Hanging Coffins. Just a few steps from the municipal hall and Sagada Municpal Hospital. The area is clean, calm, well-maintained and a lot of green pine trees covering the whole part of the church. Don't forget to take photo at this old memorable landmark of Sagada and has a very unique magnificent stone formation or limestone which built during the early 1900's. Like any other towns in the country, Sagada is a small uphill village in the Mountain Province. Tips: take enough cash with you and foods when you visit the place because there is no atm machine and some foods in the restaurant are more expensive than other parts of Mountain Province. Prize ranges is Php 100-200 pesos per serving. Best light for pictures during the afternoon and I will never forget this place because I always reminds me about the rich historical cultures of the people in Sagada. Happy Trip Everyone - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines.

Inside the Church of St. Mary's The Virgin in Sagada

Our group is entering at the side of church which located into a wooden wheel. The place is very unique, architecture design is good, wooden chairs and has a low ceiling. We took a group photos in front of the altar and the cross is covered with violet cloth. Our tourist guide tells us that St. Mary's The Virgin or also known as St. Mary's Episcopal Church was built in 1904 by American Missionaries which visited the place to teach people of Sagada about christian religion. There is a huge stone formation at the side of the church and well-preserved by local government. In those pictures will only tell you how wonderful and  a rich-culture. I also agreed with other tourist that Sagada is known for its pleasant climate all year round. Check out my next post about - Old Cemetery & Echo Valley Adventure Experience.

Oldest Bell Church in Sagada, Mountain Province

Before heading to Echo Valley, we dropped to the oldest bell church in Sagada, Mountain Province and take a lot photos. As per our tourist guide, this was build in 1921 with the American - Spanish entering the province and serves as a marker how the Protestant faith in God. When traveling Sagada just take time to see this landmark, beside St. Mary's Church. I think half of our time we were in Sagada was spent walking down up and down hill which I love doing it. I can never explain what Sagada experience and adventure is made me the best place to visit. At the area, we saw a lot of flowers blooming that time and big green pine trees all over the place. We've just had a quick rest and proceed to our next destination. This area is open to public and no entrance fee. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to Get to Hanging Coffins of Sagada in Mountain Province

Going to the famous Hanging Coffins of Sagada. How to Get There? 

This site is also one of the favorite spots of foreign tourist, backpacker, adventurer and locals in Sagada, Mountain Province makes me fairly challenging to visit because of stiff road and slippery side of the mountains. From the town proper of Sagada, we take about 20-30 minutes trekking time. We passed through the church of St. Mary the Virgin, Sagada Cemetry and then Echo Valley. I saw a lot of tourist that time, they have their own map provided by their tourist guide. I always believe that it is better knowing and being prepared. I always in my mind that we should first see what our beautiful country offers before going to other countries. I will provide map going to Hanging Coffins of Sagada. Please check out below. Happy Trip - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines.

Famous Sagada Hanging Coffins in Mountain Province

Yes, I finally got a photo souvenir at the famous hanging coffins of Sagada at the middle of pine trees and luxuriant plants. Sagada is a very beautiful and amazing spot for those who love hiking or trekking around big trees, mountains and nature environment. No need to wear hiking or trekking gear actually. Slippers or comfy sandals will do. As per our guide, there is one of coffins here buried last 2 years ago (2011), these painted brown coffin below. The people of Sagada continue burying their dead in this side of the rocky mountain near the Echo Valley. We also made think of it, how it was formed and you'll find it only in the Sagada, Mountain Province because of their old traditions and rich-culture. Make sure you get a guide as some of the area are hard to reach and road can be tricky to navigate. The people prefer to be buried them in the rock cliffs including their personal things than to be buried in the ground and have been doing this for more than 2,000 years. Well, passing through this area is much fulfilling and make me proud of the people of Sagada and the Mountain Province. During our trip, there are a lot of foreign tourist along the way and meeting another group along the way made our Hanging Coffins Sighting more enjoy, fun and memorable.  Thank you and let's travel around the Philippines.

How to Get to Sagada Orange Farm Plantation in Rock Inn & Cafe in Mountain Province

How to Get to Sagada Orange Plantation in Rock Inn & Cafe.

Going to Sagada Orange Farm Plantation for your orange picking experience in Sagada. The easiest way to go to Rock In & Cafe is via the route coming from Bontoc, Mountain Province. You will passed through this road of Batalao in Staunton Road, this orange plantation is also located from the road going to Kiltepan Peak and not along the road going to Bokong or Bomod-ok Falls. About 3 kilometers away from the town proper and you'll see the signage going to Rock Inn & Cafe as you approach the town proper. This was visible to anyone along the highway. Rock Inn & Cafe may be difficult to reach but it has  became a popular tourist destination in Sagada. Staying here is an experience in itself. Orange or ponkan is easily grown in Mountain Province. Here's the photos below. Happy Trip Everyone - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines.

Orange Picking at Farm Plantation in Rock Inn & Cafe, Sagada Mountain Province

Sagada Orange Farm Plantation gave us a very scenic view and wide open field full of orange trees and other vegetable plants at the side. Passing through the orange farm plantation site is more exciting and has a nature's best feeling which is surrounded with lot of orange and ponkan trees.  The 2 hours adventure ride from Banaue is worth it and rewarding, regardless of the bad weather condition and quite far from the main road. It's offered more of natural scenery and calm environment. This is located at the back of Rock Inn & Cafe, you'll find two classic varieties of orange are all - natural local citrus. Good thing some orange trees were small that we didn't have a hard time picking fresh oranges. We got six ripe oranges which I personally picked, it is hard to find ripe orange at the farm because mostly the orange picking season in Sagada is from the month of November until February every year.   We're not forced to pay for the Php. 50 pesos entrance fee, Thanks to the owner of the restaurant and hotel. I will definitely stay and return at Rock Inn & Cafe someday for a beautiful ambiance, good service and peaceful atmosphere. Happy Trip - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines. Next post is " How to Get to Sagada Orange Plantation".

A Glimpse of Rock Inn and Cafe at Batalao in Sagada

After a long road trip from Banaue-Bontoc-Sagada, this cafe and restaurant welcomed us. They have a  beautiful artistic design, wide parking space, relaxing ambiance and a nature garden. As part of my research about Sagada, I found this site about the orange plantation spot in Sagada and our driver convince him to drop over this 1 hectare lot in Barangay Batalao. About 15-20 minutes away from the town proper of Sagada. I was surprised about the local design of the whole restaurant and cafe. Even the side part of the place because they have a lot of antique furniture, wooden craft and nipa hut ceiling. They also have variety of pasalubong like strawberry jam, oatmeal choco chips cookies, wild blueberry jam, key chains, cellphone holder, native products and a lot more. I was told that this area is one of the main tourist attraction of many foreigner traveling to Mountain Province. It was a pleasant surprise with my first stop over and one of my favorite spot in Sagada. We rested a while before heading to their orange plantation site. There will always be something and unique spots in Sagada worth returning to. Check out their contact number - (63928) 2131149 or 386-4042 and address: Staunton Road, Barangay Batalao, Sagada in Mountain Province. 

Bontoc Rice Terraces along Chico River in Mountain Province

After a quick photo walk at the town proper, we have decided to go with our final destination. That is Sagada in Mountain Province, as part of our 3 days trip from Banaue - Bontoc - Sagada during the weekend. Along the way to Sagada, we saw this majestic view of Bontoc Rice Terraces along Chico River which is their sources of water and about 10-15 minutes away from the town of Bontoc. This area of rice terraces is dry because of the summer season. Made of stone walls in order to separate their rice fields and to produce water irrigation facilities as well. This area is covered with a high mountain ranges and trees, near the national road route going to Sagada and a canopy of luxuriant green forest view from above.  I agree with my friend, that Banaue Rice Terraces & Batad is one of the most beautiful rice terraces landscape in the world. Do do agree about that? Check out about my next blog post - Sagada 2013.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Quick Bontoc Experience in Mountain Province

Arriving at Bontoc in Mountain Province. Hello Town of Bontoc! Where cultural heritage is well preserve and known to be the getaway up north. It has a total 10 municipalities and 137 barrios surrounding the beautiful town. One of the spectacular place in the province, it's a paradise for all the bontoc people because of their rich culture, mountain ranges landscape, huge plantation and hospitality of the people.  The area has a lot of establishments, vehicle around the place, newly build-hotel and restaurants. We just had a quick stop over at town proper before heading to Sagada, Mountain Province. This area is now developing more structures for their tourist and they maintain cleanliness around. We passing through their clean river, vegetable plantations and streets. As per Mang Agustin, these is the primarily a commercial town used by tourists as a rest stop on the circuit to Banaue in Ifugao or Sagada in Mountain Province.  I wish can go back again and explore this town, spend more time discovering the town of Bontoc. There is so many exciting and unique places in here you should see. 

Rocky Road Trip from Banaue to Bontoc in Mountain Province

I'am a road trip adventurer! From the marker of Ifugao-Mountain Province, we took about 30-40 minutes road trip ride via Banaue-Bontoc national highway. I highly recommend to get a van hire during your trip because the road is not so easy to access because of some falling rocks and big trees along the road. Because some section and area of the road apparently had just been cleared of landslides. There are jeepneys leave Banaue to Bontoc every hour, time travel is one hour and a half. Fare is Php 45 pesos per passenger. This was the original plan of the group, jeepney top-loading adventure during the trip, but the rain poured down and the road became slippery so we decided to take van going to Bontoc-Sagada. But it would be a nice one, to think that we will experience top-loading around Mountain Province. Traveling during the day is a must, to see the spectacular view along your trip and one of the fulfilling part of our trip to Bontoc, Mountain Province. I love this place, although We didn't get to spend more time exploring the province, but I am happy to set my foot here. It is definitely extraordinary amazing place to visit. I wish to do it next time from Bontoc to Tabuk. There you go, sharing with you  on " How to Get to Bontoc from Banaue" . Happy Trip - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines

Welcome to Mountain Province Marker

This area is part of the boundary of Ifugao Province and Mountain Province, I got to take a quick photo ops at the signage marker before leaving the area. I saw a lot of trees, big rocks on the road, foggy and cool atmosphere that time while on the opposite side of the road, we never expected that a road trip to Bontoc in Mountain Province would not be easy compare to Ifugao but the beautiful mountain ranges scenery, rock formation, tall pine trees, gloomy and cold weather greeted us that morning. This province is just simple yet perfect summer place to visit, I will consider and recommend this place to my friends, family and colleague as well. There are more unique places and attraction waiting for you to explore Mountain Province. If not today! When? Because there is no tomorrow waiting for you so keep on moving, explore, travel, and experience the beauty of the province. 

Angono Rizal is the Art Capital of the Philippines

Angono in Rizal is known not just for the " Higantes Festival" but also for their artist and painter. I have got the chance to see this painting exhibit in Angono Rizal. I was very surprised and amazed with their artworks of some painter & artist including portrait, abstract and charcoal. This was the collection of artist's paintings which located at the side of San Clemente Church. Angono's artist collaborate in one group exhibit to highlight the culture, tradition and fiesta of their town. Some painters develop their skills and expertise by crafting the many artist in the town of Rizal. I took more time in evaluating and finding the good creation of some artist. There are a lot of national artist in the past which is features from other books, newspaper, magazine and media as well. 

RHB Muziklaban 2013 Grand Finals Winner

Last February 02, 2013 at Central Business Park, Edsa Extension corner Macapagal Boulvard Pasay City near SM Mall of Asia.  The event is much more successful this year. This year's Red Horse Beer Pambansang Muziklaban has a wider, bigger, louder and powerful cast rock band in the country. A Music Theory is now the new grand champion winner which represent GMA. Members of the band include: Lorce Manaois (Bass), JC Santos (Guitar), John Jo Presingular (Drums) and Cholo De Guia Pabalan (Vocals).  Off course it won't be complete without the appearances and performances of Red Horse Beer ambassadors like Greyhoundz, Slapshock, Pepe Smith, Ely Buendia, Razorback, Wilabaliw, Queso and other grand final winners from the past years. Check out more photos below.

Red Horse Beer Muziklaban 2013 Photos - February 02

Here are the photos of Red Horse Beer Pambansang Muziklaban 2013 held at Central Business Park, Edsa corner Roxas Boulevard  Pasay City. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dis Is It: My 2013 Top 15 Pinoy Travel Blogs in the Philippines

Yes, I finally list down My 2013 Top 15 Pinoy Travel Blogs in the Philipppines by Melo Villareal. I decided to look forward and list down those highly recommended blogs in the country which I love finding more inspiration before I became a travel blogger. I've been loving those blogs and I am HUGE fan of Pinoy Travel Bloggers Community. In no particular order, there you go: 

1. Chyng Reyes of
2. Mervs Marasigan of
3. Estan Cabigas of
5. Claire Raborar-Blaxland of
6. Edcel Suyo of
7. Ivan Henares of
9. Micaela Rodriguez of
10. Marcos Caratao of
11. Enrico Dee of
12. James Betia of
13. Ferdz Decena of
14. Wendell Glenn Cagape of
15. Christian Sangoyo of

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mt Polis Rolling Coffee Shop and Restaurant - Another Stop Over in Mountain Province

It was a foggy and cold morning with the group. We take a short break at Mt Polis Rolling Coffee Shop & Restaurant, it is along the road and the driver would usually stop by this area to get some coffee and food to eat. At the same time take some pictures at the signage in front of the coffee shop / restaurant. They are selling freshly brewed coffee and delicious breakfast as well. The highest part of the highway is located here. So it's time to go over the highway and proceed to our next destination in Bontoc, Mountain Province. We all excited to see the town of Bontoc and Sagada which is both located in Mountain Province. Travel time is about 45-1 hour. Check out my next blog post.

Statue of the Virgin Mary in Mountain Province

Feels like heaven! This was the giant 30 foot statue of the Virgin Mary along the road of Mountain Province. We suggest to our driver to have a stop over to this site and took some photos. This area is the part of the summit of Mt. Polis, a birdwatcher's paradise and home to tropical forest as some blogs about Mountain Province. It was a rainy day for us going to Bontoc and Sagada that day with a cold and foggy morning.  According to our guide this is the boundary of Ifugao Province and Mountain Province, you'll find this statue at the right side of the road heading to Bontoc or Sagada. I could not see anything though the road since thick fog covered the whole area of the summit. I want to explore more about the Mt Polis soon but this time I want to share some of my photos and experiences during my long trip from Banaue-Bontoc-Sagada. 

How to Get to Cutud in San Fernando Pampanga

Going to Cutud Pampanga from Manila or How to Get to Cutud Pampanga by commute. 

Here are the travel guide going to the famous site in Cutud during the holyweek. Take a bus bound to Angeles or Dau, Pampanga, located at Cubao or Pasay Bus Terminal. Travel time is about 1 hour to 2 hours depending on traffic situation , cost you is around Php 150 pesos. Take a jeepney going to San Fernando City proper, then    it will turn left under the San Fernando flyover to Mc-Arthur Highway. From there take a tricycle to Barangay San Pedro, Cutod where the site is located about 20-30 minutes away from the national road, the driver charge us Php 100 pesos back and forth for a 3 passengers. The local government of San Fernando City, install some signage and banners along the way, so never get lost from the area. Happy Trip Everyone - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines.

Maleldo 2013 - A Cruxifiction Site in Cutod, Pampanga

San Fernando in Pampanga is the most famous site during the holy week season because of the crucifixion reenactment in Cutod, San Fernando , Pampanga.My travel buddies Sally & Eds, decided to visit this famous site in Cutod. We can't able to see the actual crucifixion during that day, but I am fulfilling to visit this site. There are 3 cross at the hill side of the area and feel the burning heat of the sun. We took some photos within the area before going back to Manila, there are some tourist and local taking picture at the holy cross. Some children climbed up the cross to take photo by the tourist (so bad) and I hope you will forgive me for posting of those photos. As per our driver, about 2,000 crowd during the afternoon crucifixion in the cross and a lot of media in the whole day. Maybe, next time I would come early before the actual event. In Barangay Cutod, San Fernando Pampanga is known to be the " Holy Week Crucifixion Capital of the Philippines" to watch and take a part of the annual activities of the province. 

How to Get to Lucban Quezon from Manila via Pagsanjan in Laguna

Going to Lucban Quezon from Manila via Pagsanjan in Laguna, about 1 hour and 55 minutes away from Metro Manila and approximately 160 kilometers. Take a bus at Alabang City Terminal of Buendia Bus Terminal. You will pass to South Luzon Expressway, Calamba, Los Banos, Victoria, Bay then Sta. Cruz in Laguna. Cost about P220 - P180 pesos per passenger then ask the driver to drop you off at Sta. Cruz Laguna highway where the jeepney bound to Lucban is located along this road. Travel period is about 30-45 minutes depending on stop over of the vehicle passing through Cavinti, Lusinana and Lucban poblacion proper. The Sta. Cruz route is much more nearer than the Lucena, Quezon way. Please check this other routes to Lucban from Manila via Antipolo: Manila - Pasig - Cainta, Rizal - Taytay - Antipolo (1 hour drive) then Antipolo - Teresa - Morong - Baras - Tanay - Pililia, Rizal - Mabitac, Laguna - Famy - Sinoloa (1 hour drive as well) passing through Sinoloan - Pakil - Paete - Kalayaan - Lumban - Pagsanjan - Cavinti - Luisiana (another 1 hour) after about 20-30 minutes from Luisiana, Laguna to Lucban Quezon. 

Where to Buy Best Lucban Longganisa in Lucban, Quezon?

Well, I always want to try special food pride of the province or town during my trip. Beside the Lucban Church, you'll find this specialty shop called " Eker & Ely Lukban Longganisa and Pasalubong" which is known to be the best longganisa and famous in the town of Lucban since 1958 and located at 114 A. Racelis Avenue, Lucban, Quezon, actually this is an old store along the road of Lucban. This is the one stop pasalubong store, bring some homemade food, snacks, delicacies and many more. The smaller size longganisa sells for P120 pesos per dozen while the larger longganisa sells about P140 per dozen. Eker & Ely Longganisa Contact Numbers: (042) 540-3304 and (0920) 237-9056. Happy Food Trip - Bisayang Manlalakbay.

My favorite Buddy's Pansit Lucban Restaurant in Quezon Province

Have you been to Buddys Pansit Lucban in Quezon Province? Another food trip in Lucban, Quezon at Buddy's Pansit Lucban Restaurant, serve good food and place to eat. I was craving for pansit lucban, so I decided to drop by at Lucban in Quezon and try my favorite food in town. Bestseller talaga nila ang pansit lucban with vinegar which I pay 200 good for 2 person. It's somewhat sweeter and less salty than pansit habhab with a thicker noodles and more vegetables as well, this restaurant became one of my favorite place to eat, unwind or relax whenever I go to Lucban. Overall, I am very satisfied with this restaurant. This town is one of the place I always coming back, not just because of the Pahiyas Festival during the month of May but off course the taste of their special delicacies. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Aliwan Fiesta 2013 Street Dance Competition

Kudos to Tribu Panay the pride of Iloilo City, is the grand champion last Aliwan Fiesta Street Dance Competition 2013.  Party until the evening.The Philippines Grandest Festival of Champions in street dancing on it's 11th year! Spectators were thrilled and amazed of the fantastic performances during the Festival of Festivals at the Aliwan Fiesta 2013 held at Quirino Grandstand in Luneta,Manila City,Philippines. A total of 17 contingents from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao competed this cultural extravaganza on April 13, 2013. Congratulations to all the winners! Street Dance Competition: 1st place (P1,000,000) Dinagyang Festival from Iloilo City, 2nd place (P500,000) Kalivungan Festival from Cotabato Province, 3rd place, (P250,000) MeguyFestival from Upi, Maguindanao, 4th place (P150,000) Padang-Padang Festival from Parang, Magindanao and 5th place (100,000) Adivay Festival from Benguet. Aliwan Festival Best in Float: 1st place (P500,000) Bahandihan Float of Alang-Alang, Leyte, 2nd place (P250,000) Sang Gadung Float of Manudadatu, Maguindanao ang 3rd place (P100,000) Gak't Kastill sa Banobo Float of Northern Kabuntalan, Maguindanao. Thank you! Here's the photos

Aliwan Fiesta 2013 Float Parade in Pasay City

Yehey! Float Parade during the Aliwan Fiesta 2013 is here, which brings you the best regional festival in the whole provinces of the Philippines. We enjoyed watching the float parade which is started at around 5:00pm from Quirino Grandstand, Manila to Aliw Theather , CCP Complex in Pasay City. This float is decorated with indigenous materials, colorful products and comes with their own Reyna Elena/Candidates of different participants in the country. The most attractive float is the Star City float which is decorated with this big colorful mask at the front and this year's festival dubbed as the " Mother of Festivals" the Aliwan Fiesta 2013. The float parade has a total of 14 participants in the country. I was so amazed with the colorful design , gigantic and creative floats and displayed in one big event of the year. See see again for the next year's Aliwan Fiesta 2014 - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Aliwan Fiesta 2013 Photos in Star City Complex, Pasay City

April 13, 2013. Aliwan Fiesta 2013 na! Fiesta All over the Philippines.More fun in the Philippines! There are a lot of people and foreign tourist during the event which is the most grandest and biggest gatherings of festivals champion in the Philippines. This event is brought to you by Manila Broadcasting Company & tie-up with Department of Tourism, dubbed as the Philippines " festival of champion". The whole area is full of banners, tents, shops, food stalls and some roads of Pasay CIty & Manila were closed to traffic during the event. Aliwan means amusement/entertainment or in Ilonggo term " Kailingawan". As we headed to the event area, all seats are occupied by guest and tourist that time, so we didn't able to have a best spot for the event show. For that case, we roam around the event area, to check some souvenir items and filipino delicacy all over the place. I also brought keychain and one of my friend brought abacca slipper. This is a yearly competition in Metro Manila and the Dinagyang Festival of Iloilo City is the best contingent for all the participants.