
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dis Is It: My 2013 Top 15 Pinoy Travel Blogs in the Philippines

Yes, I finally list down My 2013 Top 15 Pinoy Travel Blogs in the Philipppines by Melo Villareal. I decided to look forward and list down those highly recommended blogs in the country which I love finding more inspiration before I became a travel blogger. I've been loving those blogs and I am HUGE fan of Pinoy Travel Bloggers Community. In no particular order, there you go: 

1. Chyng Reyes of
2. Mervs Marasigan of
3. Estan Cabigas of
5. Claire Raborar-Blaxland of
6. Edcel Suyo of
7. Ivan Henares of
9. Micaela Rodriguez of
10. Marcos Caratao of
11. Enrico Dee of
12. James Betia of
13. Ferdz Decena of
14. Wendell Glenn Cagape of
15. Christian Sangoyo of

So there you have it. My 2013 Top 15 Pinoy Travel Blogs in the Philipppines to follow, explore and read. Get to it and start reading - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines


  1. Thank you Jeff for including me on your list! hope to meet you soon! cheers! :)

    1. likewise :-) i love reading your blog post. keep it up :-)

  2. big thanks Jeff for including eskapo on your list. cheers to more adventures!


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