
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Guest Post: Five reasons to ecotourism in the Pantanal

A Guest Post from Rafael Shiroma

Last year I had the opportunity to travel to Bonito, which this year received the title of best city to do ecotourism. Getting you realize that the city really deserves the title, but Pantanal is not only Bonito, there are many other great places to visit. I decided to make a short list of the main reasons for you to know the Pantanal.

Parque Nacional do Pantanal

In this park with more than 135 000 hectares, established in 1981, we know the rich fauna of the region that includes animals such as reptiles and small mammals. With luck, it is still possible to see ocelots and jaguars. The park is in Poconé in southwestern Mato Grosso, and the best time to visit it is during the dry season that lasts from May to October.

Hotels farm

Excellent hotels and guesthouses can be found in Mato Grosso do Sul. But the best and certainly the most unique way to spend a few days in the region is to stay on specific farms to receive visitors. The farm hotels are having much financial return they exchanged several farms working with cattle by working with hosting.
To complete the atmosphere of the farm, the traditions of the local cuisine could not be left out! The service Pantanal offers food prepared in wood-burning stove, and a mate done on time, we are always available to tourists.
Are you curious to monitor the daily deals on farms? Here you can find various options for hotels farm:

Observe the birds

There are about 670 species of birds that are part of the Pantanal fauna. The best time for bird watching is in the rainy season the rivers that take place from October to February.


The vessel is typical of the Pantanal punt, a boat closed that often becomes the only form of transportation in the region, as the overflowing rivers roads, will be taken by the waters , are submerged . These boats take visitors on a tour of rivers for fishing piranha fish biting the bait too facility and serves as main ingredient pal for a tasty broth to one of the most typical regional.

Fishing in the Pantanal , however , is taken much more seriously , since the activity is one of the most important for the economy of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul rivers pantanal toms, are found in hundreds of species  fish - some as Jaú, can weigh 100 pounds .

Fishermen follow to Corumba, 400 km from Campo Grande and the shores of the Paraguay River, where there are several hotels specialist and flotels that keep rider and cook aboard. Longer side of Mato Grosso, the main city is Cáceres, 210 km from the capital Cuiabá.

Even those who have never fished can hook many pounds of fish. But you must follow the rules of preservation, as the limit of fish that can be brought about and the spawning period from November to february, time of the spawing, when shoal rise the rivers to spawing.

Chapada dos Guimarães

In North Pantanal has the option to visit the Chapada dos Guimarães, 70 km from Cuiabá, and enjoy one of the most beautiful landscapes of Mato Grosso.

This savannah region with canyons and waterfalls monumental part within an area considered national park, is a big step that separates the geographical Central Plateau, on the high plain of Cuiabá, in the lower part. The reddish sandstone cliffs extend for 280 km and can reach 800 feet high in some spots.

On the way to the city of the Chapada dos Guimarães, there are lookouts and waterfalls right beside the road. But to reach the most popular attractions such as Stone Town (gazebo with the best view of Chapada), the Blue Lake Cave and Waterfall Trail, within the national park area and passing through seven falls, water, you need to hire guides accredited in town.

However, the Bride's Veil Waterfall, most popular attraction of the park is closed to visitors since April 2008, aiming to reshape the trail access and increase security.

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