
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Negros Oriental: Around Siliman University in Dumaguete City

When I hear the word Dumagueten City in Negros Oriental, it basically equates to Siliman University because of the world premier institution and known to be the city of gentle people. A must go to place in Dumaguete City | After visiting the historic museum, I immediately go to their main ground and took photos. You can feel a city of Spanish and American because of the ambiance and architectures inside. Siliman University is maybe the only and oldest protestant university in a largely Catholic country like the Philippines.I also proceeded to Siliman University Church which is just across the street. I wasn't able to tour the entire land area of the university and the ground are nicely kept clean and looks like a great place to study. I like those big acacia trees with wide branches and the lush greens of grass. Not to mention, the old buildings around the place gave me off that mysterious old world and old soul vibe. Thanks Siliman University! Happy Trip Everyone - Bisayang Manlalakbay Around The Philippines.


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