
Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Oldest Bell Town in the Province of Siquijor

This bell tower is near from Larena Pier (Siquijor Pier) and beside at church of Saint Francis the Assisi and has made up of coral sea stone & corals. Did you know that this bell tower was built in 1891 and it was believed by some locals that it's serve as a watch tower to warn residents of approaching danger & big tides. Along the road from bell tower you will saw the Municipal Hall of the Siquijor leading to their public market & establishment. The habal-habal driver told me that the blocks of cement & stone corals was bound using egg white and considered as a historical symbol in the Province. There has been some slight improvements like the roof but I don't think it looks nice. Also, I think it should be cleaned more without damaging its antiquity. 

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