
Monday, March 28, 2016

A Palawan Crocodile Wildlife Expereince in Puerto Princesa

Upon arriving the park, we pay for the entrance fee & wait to be called by our guide because there's a number of guests per tour guide. You can experience face to face encounter with this creatures that mostly evoke fear and the center is a good place to start to try to change some views on those creatures. Starting up with the short brief of the history, parts & conservation of the Palawan crocodiles and then we proceed at the babies section up to the adult ones. You get to see a bunch of baby crocs of different ages in tanks and then you walk over the bridge with the huge crocs underneath you. Dont worry you're too far up for them to reach you. There are others animals in the park & you'll see those animals in the lush garden setting. Touristy shops at the end of the tour. It's educationally, you wear comfortable clothes and picture taking is allowed with precautionary measures & allowed area only. 

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