
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Welcome to Marinduque 2012: Balanacan Port in Mogpog

Yes! Marinduque the heart of the Philippines! Last Holyweek of April 2012, I had a solo backing trip to witness the Moriones Festival. I had to go early to Alabang Terminal in Muntinlupa at exactly 9:00pm, to catch up for the 12:00mn  ferry boat ride going to Balacan Port in Mogpog Marinduque. Waah! Haba ng pila! Anung oras ako makakarating ng Marinduque (Holy Thursday), most of the people want to get early trips to Cawit or Balanacan Port.. I need got terminal fee cost P30 pesos and ferry boat - 220 pesos. Balanacan is the barangay where the main shipping port is located. It is famous for its large image of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, erected at a top of a shed on a mound of land overlooking the sea.

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