
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Moriones Festival April 4-5, 2012 in Boac Marinduque

The "Moriones" are men or women in costumes and masks replicating the garb of biblical Roman soldiers. Moriones Festival in Marinduque " The Heart of the Philippines" is an annual fiesta held on Holy Week in the island.  The festival is celebrated the whole province of Marinduque. I was able to witness the festival last April 4, 2012 - first day of my 2nd solo backpacking trip to South Luzon. Marinduque is considered as the Lenten Mecca of the Southern Tagalog because of the Moriones Festival. Historically, the Moriones Festival started in Mogpog, Marinduque in 1807 as a dramatic play to commemorate the passion and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then later on, the tradition spread to other Marinduque towns like Gasan, Boac, and Torrijos.

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