Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to Get to Hanging Coffins of Sagada in Mountain Province

Going to the famous Hanging Coffins of Sagada. How to Get There? 

This site is also one of the favorite spots of foreign tourist, backpacker, adventurer and locals in Sagada, Mountain Province makes me fairly challenging to visit because of stiff road and slippery side of the mountains. From the town proper of Sagada, we take about 20-30 minutes trekking time. We passed through the church of St. Mary the Virgin, Sagada Cemetry and then Echo Valley. I saw a lot of tourist that time, they have their own map provided by their tourist guide. I always believe that it is better knowing and being prepared. I always in my mind that we should first see what our beautiful country offers before going to other countries. I will provide map going to Hanging Coffins of Sagada. Please check out below. Happy Trip - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines.

Famous Sagada Hanging Coffins in Mountain Province

Yes, I finally got a photo souvenir at the famous hanging coffins of Sagada at the middle of pine trees and luxuriant plants. Sagada is a very beautiful and amazing spot for those who love hiking or trekking around big trees, mountains and nature environment. No need to wear hiking or trekking gear actually. Slippers or comfy sandals will do. As per our guide, there is one of coffins here buried last 2 years ago (2011), these painted brown coffin below. The people of Sagada continue burying their dead in this side of the rocky mountain near the Echo Valley. We also made think of it, how it was formed and you'll find it only in the Sagada, Mountain Province because of their old traditions and rich-culture. Make sure you get a guide as some of the area are hard to reach and road can be tricky to navigate. The people prefer to be buried them in the rock cliffs including their personal things than to be buried in the ground and have been doing this for more than 2,000 years. Well, passing through this area is much fulfilling and make me proud of the people of Sagada and the Mountain Province. During our trip, there are a lot of foreign tourist along the way and meeting another group along the way made our Hanging Coffins Sighting more enjoy, fun and memorable.  Thank you and let's travel around the Philippines.

How to Get to Sagada Orange Farm Plantation in Rock Inn & Cafe in Mountain Province

How to Get to Sagada Orange Plantation in Rock Inn & Cafe.

Going to Sagada Orange Farm Plantation for your orange picking experience in Sagada. The easiest way to go to Rock In & Cafe is via the route coming from Bontoc, Mountain Province. You will passed through this road of Batalao in Staunton Road, this orange plantation is also located from the road going to Kiltepan Peak and not along the road going to Bokong or Bomod-ok Falls. About 3 kilometers away from the town proper and you'll see the signage going to Rock Inn & Cafe as you approach the town proper. This was visible to anyone along the highway. Rock Inn & Cafe may be difficult to reach but it has  became a popular tourist destination in Sagada. Staying here is an experience in itself. Orange or ponkan is easily grown in Mountain Province. Here's the photos below. Happy Trip Everyone - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines.

Orange Picking at Farm Plantation in Rock Inn & Cafe, Sagada Mountain Province

Sagada Orange Farm Plantation gave us a very scenic view and wide open field full of orange trees and other vegetable plants at the side. Passing through the orange farm plantation site is more exciting and has a nature's best feeling which is surrounded with lot of orange and ponkan trees.  The 2 hours adventure ride from Banaue is worth it and rewarding, regardless of the bad weather condition and quite far from the main road. It's offered more of natural scenery and calm environment. This is located at the back of Rock Inn & Cafe, you'll find two classic varieties of orange are all - natural local citrus. Good thing some orange trees were small that we didn't have a hard time picking fresh oranges. We got six ripe oranges which I personally picked, it is hard to find ripe orange at the farm because mostly the orange picking season in Sagada is from the month of November until February every year.   We're not forced to pay for the Php. 50 pesos entrance fee, Thanks to the owner of the restaurant and hotel. I will definitely stay and return at Rock Inn & Cafe someday for a beautiful ambiance, good service and peaceful atmosphere. Happy Trip - Bisayang Manlalakbay around the Philippines. Next post is " How to Get to Sagada Orange Plantation".

A Glimpse of Rock Inn and Cafe at Batalao in Sagada

After a long road trip from Banaue-Bontoc-Sagada, this cafe and restaurant welcomed us. They have a  beautiful artistic design, wide parking space, relaxing ambiance and a nature garden. As part of my research about Sagada, I found this site about the orange plantation spot in Sagada and our driver convince him to drop over this 1 hectare lot in Barangay Batalao. About 15-20 minutes away from the town proper of Sagada. I was surprised about the local design of the whole restaurant and cafe. Even the side part of the place because they have a lot of antique furniture, wooden craft and nipa hut ceiling. They also have variety of pasalubong like strawberry jam, oatmeal choco chips cookies, wild blueberry jam, key chains, cellphone holder, native products and a lot more. I was told that this area is one of the main tourist attraction of many foreigner traveling to Mountain Province. It was a pleasant surprise with my first stop over and one of my favorite spot in Sagada. We rested a while before heading to their orange plantation site. There will always be something and unique spots in Sagada worth returning to. Check out their contact number - (63928) 2131149 or 386-4042 and address: Staunton Road, Barangay Batalao, Sagada in Mountain Province. 

Bontoc Rice Terraces along Chico River in Mountain Province

After a quick photo walk at the town proper, we have decided to go with our final destination. That is Sagada in Mountain Province, as part of our 3 days trip from Banaue - Bontoc - Sagada during the weekend. Along the way to Sagada, we saw this majestic view of Bontoc Rice Terraces along Chico River which is their sources of water and about 10-15 minutes away from the town of Bontoc. This area of rice terraces is dry because of the summer season. Made of stone walls in order to separate their rice fields and to produce water irrigation facilities as well. This area is covered with a high mountain ranges and trees, near the national road route going to Sagada and a canopy of luxuriant green forest view from above.  I agree with my friend, that Banaue Rice Terraces & Batad is one of the most beautiful rice terraces landscape in the world. Do do agree about that? Check out about my next blog post - Sagada 2013.



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